Friday, October 06, 2006

Mo' Money, Mo Problems

The truth is now we are just posting to get cute pictures out there for your viewing pleasure. Now I have to make up something that is either both informative or witty (or ideally both) about the girls. When I run out of material I just make fun of Mike Shula, but its getting to the point where that is a little too easy. Any way, every body is doing well, Elizabeth is healing quickly. The big girls don’t appear to be going through that “Omigosh-my-fifteen-minutes-are-over-these-new-primadonnas-have-stolen-the-spotlight-and-i-am-going-to-have-to-publicly-misbehave-to-get-everyone’s-attention-back-on-me-just-like-Lindsey-Lohan-or-go-on-a-reality-show-like-MC-Hammer” syndrome that people warned us about. They love the baby girls and kiss them on the toes: perdy steenking cute. When the big’uns see the littl’uns they say over and over again, “baby-baby-baby-baby-baby-baby-baby-baby-baby-baby” or something like that, maybe I don’t have enough “baby”s memorized. The big girls also like to imitate our tasks with the little girls, up to and including: bottle feeding, clothes-changing, and everyone’s favorite: diaper changing.


Anonymous said...

these pictures are amazing!! its great that you caught the big girls imitating you and gloria! they are so adorable.

Anonymous said...

glad I got to see y'all and the girls.

Aunt Nissy said...

umm... I'd like to draw up a contract to hire the cutest flower girls ever. Whoever can walk by June 30th is in! These pictures are amazing, and I love you all so much. Scott and I can't wait to see ya'll and the new girls in a few weeks! I miss ya'll like whoa.