Tuesday, August 08, 2006

It smells like 'updog' in here...

So hurr's the deal (that's southern-hip-hop speak for 'here is') The purpose of this blog is to update you with well written, funny, heart warming, and awesome stories and pictures of the Wood Estrogen Factory (was that out loud?) I mean, my rapidly expanding family. There will be no theologizinationing on this blog. I will invent numerous words along the way (feel free to adopt my creations into your own vocabularies). Comments on Alabama Football will be kept to a minimum and mostly consist of premature calls for the firing of various coaches and the dismissal of boneheaded players. I will try to keep my posts short and sweet (and by sweet i mean totally awesome) because yall (and by 'yall' I mean 'I') watch too much TV and cant finish reading anything that would require scrolling. I will be the primary author, unfortunately for you becuase I learned my vocab, mechanics, and sentence structure from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, b-grade fantasy novels, and the likes of Kelly Clarkson. Maybe we can get Elizabeth to grace us with anecdote or two becuase she is a much better writer (she learned how to write from reading like Walker Percy and Ernest Hemingway (and watching Seventh Heaven too, but you didnt here it from me)) Also i wont use many apostrophes and the first person singular pronoun 'i' will be in upper case only haphazardly at best. Now to the matter at hand: the girls. The little girls (from now on i will refer to them as the 'big girls', which seems silly right now in light of their diminutive (yesss, big word) stature, but when the littler girls (from now on referred to as the 'little girls' (i hope you are paying attention)) are born, it will make more sense (did you follow that?)) are 19 months old and the little girls (read aformentioned multiple parenthetical statements if you think i referenced the same set of girls twice by using 'the little girls') are due in 1.5 months. Needless to say wonderous adventures are nigh upon us (yesss, cool old-englishy word used). So i hope i can update this and make it fun. I will try to use less parenthetical statements (but i kinda feel like the parenthetical statement is the blog version of the 'director's commentary', and i like that), but i can make no guarantees.

Peace Out,

1 comment:

Aunt Nissy said...

Umm... Hello? Naked girls EVERYWHERE. I thought that was just in Amsterdam. What have things come to in St. Louis?