It has been so long that no one is probably even reading this any more. Yikes! This was gonna be my big break. This blog was gonna explode onto the “blogging about twins” scene. Then some notable newspaper editor or writer was gonna recognize my scribal prowess. They were gonna say, “why don’t you write a column or two for us.” I was gonna make some pithy, insightful, and awesome comments about the weaknesses in the execution of alabama’s offence. Some friend of Nick Saban’s was gonna say, “Hey Nick you should look at what this guy is saying.” He was gonna take some of my advice, win some games, give me a call, offer me a job, retire after a few years, I was gonna take the reigns and people were gonna forget about Bear Bryant, I was gonna be elected governor, make the natural move to president, appoint Joe Kines as press secretary, outlaw annoying british import gameshows hosted by comedians in the twilight of their careers, re-introduce the draft, build an enormous military, invade mexico and canada, then central and south america, set up puppet regimes, take over the rest of the planet, put auburn’s and tennessee’s football teams on permanent probation and scholarship limitations, then explore the possibility of the colonization of space. But that is neither here nor there.
Any way, we had a fabulous, fun, exciting, exhausting, power losing, branch-falling-through-our-sky-light break. We got to hit Da ‘Ham and Jackson. Lots of friends and family got to meet our new girls. I am trying to figure out if the kick I get out of people adoring our children is vanity or good. Or worse case scenario, people are just lying and our kids aren’t that cute. If that is the case, don’t tell us.
The little girls have gotten very responsive, talking and smiling, so that is kinda darn heart-warming. They are sleeping from about 10 p.m.- 5 a.m. so that is pretty much the bomb. The doctor said that she thought they were a couple of weeks away from doing about 10 hours at night. There is light at the end of the tunnel. I mean, the hardest part of parenting is pretty much overwith now, we are just coasting for the next 20 years, right?
The big girls are becoming helpers. Shelby waits by the changing table when we change diapers and takes the dirty diaper and carries it to the trash can. Oh yeah, did I mention that the big girls got Alabama Crocs for their birthday. Lastly, some of the most fun we have had has been watching the big girls love on the little girls. They get all up in there face and say, “ Oh Baby, hey baby, coo, coo” and what have you. They love’em, they love to see them right when they get up in the morning. They love to wipe drool off their face. You can really see that they have maternal instincts that are kickin’ in.
I’ll post more often…